master the essentials of clutter-busting-in a single evening!
Clutter. The littlest things of life-scraps of paper from the mail, shirts draped over chair backs, odds and ends on the counter-have a way of piling up, getting under foot, gathering dust, and clogging up space.
Don't worry! The Learning Annex Presents Uncluttering Your Space will soon have you bidding farewell to chaos at home and enjoying the clarity of organization. The Learning Annex employs top experts to teach more than 300,000 students across North America each year-so rest assured that their methods are proven, practical, quick, and easy to apply. In the space of these pages, you'll discover:
Full of sidebars and other special features, The Learning Annex Presents Uncluttering Your Space re-creates the authentic seminar experience to give you the tools and knowledge you need to win out over clutter and keep it from coming back-and all in a single night's reading!